News for the Enterprise
Lake Placid News
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Enter your text inside the information box using the example to the right as a guide.

(DO NOT use all caps)

Text box will automatically jump to the next line when needed. Only start a new line (by hitting ENTER) when starting a new paragraph.

* = Required
Full Name: *

E-Mail Address: *

Address 1: *

Address 2:

City: *

State: * / Zip: *
Phone *


To the editor:
    Letter's contents
    Sender's name
    Sender's place of residence

     We at the Enterprise are happy to hear your feedback, but there are some rules for the letters we print.
     Letters to the editor should be no more than 500 words and may be edited for grammar, spelling and punctuation.
     Each letter should contain the author’s first and last names, place of residence and phone number for verification purposes (We won’t print phone numbers). No consumer or neighbor complaints, please.

For help with submitting information contact

If your news hasn't appeared in the newspaper please contact Brittany Proulx @ 518-891-2600 or via E-Mail.

The editor reserves the right to edit the content of all submissions for publication including photos for quality and content.
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