Arts & Living There is no charge for any publication. Wedding pictures and information are due in by 10:30 a.m. Tuesday prior to the wedding day. Engagement pictures and information also are due at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Please include a telephone number in case a question arises. For Sunday publication of weddings occuring that weekend, only pictures of the bride will be accepted (no couples). There is no regulation size for the pictures; they all will be reproduced the same size in the newspaper. For Saturday publication of engagements or weekday publication of past weddings, pictures of the woman alone or of the couple will be accepted. Engagement announcements will appear only on Saturdays. For past weddings, photos and information must arrive within two months of the ceremony. They will be published in both The Intelligencer and the Wheeling News-Register on either a Wednesday or a Thursday, as space allows. We cannot guarantee what date the announcement will appear. If the announcement and picture arrive after the two-month deadline, the announcement will be published without the photograph. If the photograph has placed a copyright mark on the back of the photograph, a written release from the photographer must accompany the photo and article. We cannot guarantee the return of any photograph. Pictures may be picked up at the office after publication. If a stamped, self-addressed envelope is provided, we will try to return the picture. The same deadline (10:30 a.m. Tuesday) applies for all club, church, wedding anniversary, cultural and fund-raising events for Sunday publication. Anniversary articles will be published only on Sunday. Photos may be submitted for couples celebrating 40 years or longer. Stories without pictures will be used for couples celebrating less than 40 years. Club activities that list telephone numbers must include the full names of the persons whose numbers are given. If you want to submit a photo electronically, it must fit the following criteria: Any photo submitted to us for publication must be a minimum of 200 dpi. We prefer the photo be sent to us as a JPEG file (with the extension .jpg), but we can accept a TIFF file (extension .tif). We cannot accept a Web quality low-resolution (72 dpi) photo. A headshot should be at least 2 inches wide and a group shot should be at least 6 inches wide (if it is horizontal) or 6 inches deep (if it is vertical).To submit a photo, please follow the directions after you enter your text on the following pages. The editor reserves the right to decide whether a photograph is suitable for reproduction. |