Press Releases
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Teen of the Week

    Religion announcements are FREE, and can include an original photograph or good-quality scan. Submitted items will be published as soon as possible.
    If you want to submit a photo electronically, it must fit the following criteria: Any photo submitted to us for publication must be a minimum of 200 dpi. We prefer the photo be sent to us as a JPEG file (with the extension .jpg), but we can accept a TIFF file (extension .tif). We cannot accept a Web quality low-resolution (72 dpi) photo. A headshot should be at least 2 inches wide and a group shot should be at least 6 inches wide (if it is horizontal) or 6 inches deep (if it is vertical).
    The editor reserves the right to decide whether a photograph is suitable for reproduction.
    To submit a photo, please follow the directions after you enter your text on the following pages.

Changes in service schedules

Church Functions

Religion Briefs

Special Services

Story Ideas


For help with submitting information contact webmaster

If your news hasn't appeared in the newspaper please contact Mike Myer @ 304.233.0100 x305 or via E-Mail.

The editor reserves the right to edit the content of all submissions for publication including photos for quality and content.
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